martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Chile in the soccer worldcup!!!!! GO CHILEEE

Chilean national team has done something amazing, they classified to the soccer worldcup of 2010!! This is important because soccer is something very relevant for the daily life of people. This sport conglomerate persons, making them feel part of a "community". For example, the fans of a particular team have an assosiation of their own, help each other, go together to the games, and some times, they convert in to a fanatic group ("barras bravas").

In this case, the classification makes all people feel part of something bigger than them selfs. We all feel part of a group of "cheleans", and we all feel very interested about the performance of our team. The interesting thing, from an anthropological aproach, is that institutions like State, or Church, had tried along the history to make this "community" trying to come to this very strong feeling of "being part of", but they have never achieved this gold in large scale, but soccer did it.

Some other factors are important too, like the fact that in many years Chile was not classifying in the worldcup. Now we finally made it!

My favourite player is Alexis Sanchez, because is a very good player, with a lot of skills and carisma. And also, he is very handsome. ;)

To the worldcup, I think I want to watch it with many people, like in some street with a very big screen. I think it is more exciting!!!. Of course, If I can go to Africa it would be wonderful, but I do not think that it is possible.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Sofìa, good job.

    Some comments,

    You say "Chile QUALIFIES FOR" not "Classifies to".

    The words "sometimes" and "into" are spelt as one word. And the word is "themselves" "Chileans" and "interested in"

    Also say, "Chile had no qualified for the World Cup"

    Finally say, "If I could go to Africa, it would be..."

    The marking for this task is:

    Task completion 3 points
    Lexis and coherence 2 points
    Grammar 2.5

    7.5 points. That´s a 6.0


  2. Hi Sofía,

    I read your post again and I´m going to give you hslf a point more for lexis and coherence. That´s 8 points. You get a 6.5, instead.

